12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Brussels, Belgium, July 20 - 24, 1998

Workshop W7

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Tools and Environments for Business Rules

Organizers: Dirk Bontridder <d.bontridder@olsy.be>
Alain Grijseels <a.grijseels@olsy.be>
Kim Mens <kimmens@vub.ac.be>
Roel Wuyts <rwuyts@vub.ac.be>
Contact: Kim Mens <kimmens@vub.ac.be>
Programming Technology Lab (PROG/WE)
Department of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel
URL: http://ecoop98.vub.ac.be/workshops/bizrules/biztools.html
Day: Tuesday
Room: C402 (5th floor)
Extra rooms: B301, B306 (4th floor)

Business rules are nothing new. They are used by every organisation to state their practices and policies. Every business application contains many business rules. Analysis and design models specify business rules without explicitly indicating them. Actual tools and environments for building business applications, however, provide little or no support to deal explicitly and automatically with business rules during the software life cycle.
This workshop focuses on tools and environments that handle the semantic content of business rules in an object-oriented environment. The main goal is to provide an overview of possible techniques (tools and methods) for the handling, definition and checking of these rules and the constraints expressed by them during design and development of object-oriented software.
Some of the purposes of this workshop are:

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Last modified on July 6, 1998. Maintained by the ECOOP'98 information team.