12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Brussels, Belgium, July 20 - 24, 1998

Workshop W15

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Aspect Oriented Programming

Organizers: Crista Lopes <lopes@parc.xerox.com> (Xerox PARC),
Gregor Kiczales <Gregor@parc.xerox.com> (Xerox PARC),
Bedir Tekinerdogan (University of Twente)
Wolfgang De Meuter (Free University of Brussels)
Marco Meijers (University of Twente)
Contact: Crista Lopes <lopes@parc.xerox.com>
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
URL: http://wwwtrese.cs.utwente.nl/aop-ecoop98/
Day: Tuesday
Room: C303 (4th floor)

Many systems, including object-oriented systems, have properties that don't necessarily align with the system's functional components, or objects. Failure handling, persistence, communication, replication, coordination, memory management, real-time constraints, and many others, are aspects of a system's behavior that tend to cut-across groups of functional components, and therefore introduce tangling in the programs.
At ECOOP'97 there was an AOP workshop that joined a number of researchers interested in aspect-orientation. It was generally accepted that aspect-oriented programming is a means to reduce the problem of code tangling, therefore improving the quality of software. The main goal of last year's workshop was to identify the "good questions" for exploring the idea even further.
In this year's AOP workshop, we intend to discuss the questions that were raised then, and to discuss the progress in some research topics that emerged. Some of those topics are: aspects in the software lifecycle, run-time and compile-time weaving, theoretical foundations for AOP, different combinations of aspects and components, aspects and other programming paradigms, general-purpose vs. domain- or application-specific aspect languages, and measuring the benefits of aspects.

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