12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming |
Workshop W12 |
Organizers: |
Birger Andersen <Birger.Andersen@cbs.dk> Niels Christian Juul <ncjuul@cbs.dk> Francisco Moura <fsm@di.uminho.pt> Carlos Baquero <cbm@di.uminho.pt> |
Contact: |
Birger Andersen <Birger.Andersen@cbs.dk>
Copenhagen Business School, Department of Informatics, Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Phone +45 3815 2400 http://www.econ.cbs.dk/~birger/ |
URL: | http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/wmr98/ |
Day: | Monday |
Room: | B308 (4th floor) |
Extra room: | B302 (4th floor) |
This third WMR is focusing on object replication and consistency issues. It will try to build bridges between the database community and the mobile computing community. Researchers in both communities are working on object replication and consistency issues but with slightly different focuses and goals. Some of the topics of mutual interest are ACID properties, distributed transactions, availability, fault tolerance, disconnected operation, update protocols, and consistency models. The workshop will mix from short presentations to discussions in smaller groups. For participating please submit a 4 pages position paper in HTML or plain text by Email to birger.andersen@cbs.dk by June 1. Notification of acceptance is by June 15.