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12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming |
Exhibits: Publishers |
Cambridge University Press (http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/) is proud to be the new publisher of all SIGS Books.
We'll have many new books on display, including: "Java Gems", edited by Dwight Deugo, "Building Object Applications That Work" by Scott Ambler, and "Component Based Development for Enterprise Systems" by Paul Allen and Stuart Frost.
Addison Wesley Longman (http://www.awl-he.com/), part of one of the largest publishing groups in the world, has a well-deserved reputation for excellence with works by over forty Nobel Prize and Turing award winners. The Addison-Wesley imprint has gained pre-eminence in the field of Computer Science publishing classic books such as Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming", market leading texts such as Sommerville's "Software Engineering", and maintaining publishing relationships with organisations such as the ACM, the Software Engineering Institute and Sun Microsystems, Inc., for whom we publish the official series of books on Sun's Java programming Language. We are especially proud to publish some of the most respected names in the field of Object-Oriented Programming: Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, Jim Rumbaugh, Timothy A. Budd, Elisa Bertino, Alastair Cockburn, James O. Coplien, George Coulouris, Martin Fowler, Frank L. Friedman, Erich Gamma, Jean-Marc Jezequel, David Jordan, Gerald Kristen, Doug Lea, Ole Lehrmann Madsen, Jim McGregor, Clemens Szyperski and Alan Cameron Wills - all of whom will be present at this year's 12th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
The Addison Wesley Longman Publishers ad (in Acrobat Format).
dpunkt (http://www.dpunkt.de/) is a new company in the information business market. It isassociated with the Huethig publishing group, one of the leading technical publishers in the German language market. dpunkt serves the professional computing and telecommunications community by providing information services, publications (print and digital) and training. We are publishing around the following topics: Software Technologies, Digital Communication, The Visual Computer, Scientific & Engineering Tools. The dpunkt program addresses the R&D professional in academia and industry as well as the expert programmer who wishes to stay close to the leading edge.
The dpunkt.verlag ad (in Acrobat Format).
Springer-Verlag (http://www.springer.de/) is one of the largest privately owned publishing houses in the world with activities in scientific publishing since 1842. The entire publishing program comprises more than 400 scientific journals and around 20,000 books in print. In computer science (http://www.springer.de/comp/index.html), more than 25 journals are available from Springer; during 1997 more than 300 English language computer science books were released.
Springer is proud of being the partner for publishing the ECOOP Proceedings since many years in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). At ECOOP'98 Springer will display and offer for sale at a 20 % conference discount price numerous OO related titles; you can look at the list of titles on display under http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/oo.html.