ECOOP'98 Workshops on Business Rules
Brussels, Belgium, July 20th-21th, 1998
In conjunction with ECOOP'98 Conference
A number of workshops at the ECOOP'98 conference will be devoted to the
theme of using object-oriented techniques in business application development.
Nevertheless, there is a clear distinction between the different workshops.
The large number of different workshops focussing on issues related to
business application development merely shows the growing popularity of
this direction.
This page is meant to provide an overview of the different "business
rules" workshops at ECOOP'98, so that it becomes easier for potential workshop
participants to select the workshops they are interested in. If your interest
is more focussed on tool and environmental
support for business rules you should select the workshop on
tools and environments for business rules. The workshop titled "What's
Wrong with OO - Requirements for an OO Business Process Model" focusses
on constructing a particular object-oriented
business process model. Finally, the workshop on precise
behavioural semantics focuses on the common concepts and constructs
used to specify behavioural semantics throughout the lifecycle, on rigourous
ways to represent them and to reuse specifications. The different workshops are listed below in more detail.
Workshop on Precise Behavioral Semantics
(with an Emphasis on OO Business Specifications)
Business specifications are essential to describe and
businesses (and, in particular, business rules) independently
of any computing
system used for their possible automation. They have to
express this
understanding in a clear, precise, and explicit way, in order
to act as a common
ground between business domain experts and software developers.
They also
provide the basis for reuse of concepts and constructs
("patterns") common to
all or a large number of, businesses, and in doing so save
intellectual effort,
time and money. Precise specification of semantics - as opposed
to just
signatures - is essential not only for business specifications,
but also for
business designs and system specifications. In particular, it
is needed for
appropriate handling of viewpoints essential for human
understanding of both
business and computer systems. It is the aim of the workshop to
bring together
theoreticians and practitioners to report about their
experience with making
semantics precise (perhaps even formal) and explicit in OO
specifications, business designs, software and system
Proceedings of the workshop will be printed.
Bernhard Rumpe (
Monday, July 20th, 1998
Workshop on Tools and Environments for Business Rules
Business rules are nothing new. They are used by every organisation to state their practices and policies. Every business
application contains many business rules. Analysis and design models specify business rules without explicitly indicating
them. Actual tools and environments for building business applications, however, provide little or no support to deal
explicitly and automatically with business rules during the software life-cycle.
This workshop focusses on tools and environments that handle the semantic content of business rules in an object-oriented
environment. The main goal is to provide an overview of possible techniques (tools and methods) for the handling, definition
and checking of these rules and the constraints expressed by them during design and development of object-oriented
software. (How to use constraints for specifying business rules, how to enforce business
rules, how to do compliance checking, how to deal with reuse and evolution of business rules, how to generate code from
business specifications, and so on.) Position papers are solicited from both academia and industry.
Kim Mens (
Tuesday, July 21st, 1998
What's Wrong with OO - Requirements for OO Business Process Models
To be filled in ...
Ilia Bider (
Monday, July 20th, 1998
To be filled in ...
Last modified: February, 19th, 1998.